
So...How Many Kids Do You Want?

This is my husband's family. One mom, one dad, ten kids. No adoptions, and only one set of twins, right at the end.

My family is tiny in comparisson--just four girls. Granted, had everything gone according to plan, there would have probably been more of us. But nowhere near ten.

Once people have assessed our family sizes, the next question is always: "So how many are you going to have?" My answer? "I don't know."

Honestly--I don't. I guess right now we're thinking four to six, but I'm keeping an open mind. What if something happens and I can't have that many children? What if we hit six, think we're done, and then are told very clearly that we are not? Who am I to put an arbitrary limit on things?

So that's my answer--I don't know. And I probably won't know until we're done. But I hope we get the chance to have a big family. Because as crazy as ten kids sounds, it's a heck of a lot of fun when we're all home together. Except for the bathroom situation, that is...

(No, we're really not shooting for ten. I swear.)


Rachel said...

If this one is a girl, prepare for "oh, great, now you're done, right?!" I usually say, we're not done yet, but we're taking it one at a time. People (outside of church) are shocked that I would have more than a boy and a girl (which I hear everywhere is just "perfect." Which it is, but that doesn't mean we're done, haha.)

Alicia said...

We are a big fat question mark. Ask Roland - we are done now. Ask me - I will tell you ask me in another three years. Maybe I can give you a better answer once Weston is in Kindergarten. We are happy with our two. They are plenty to handle for the time being. But, who knows? :) I like our philosophy.

Alicia said...

We are a big fat question mark. Ask Roland - we are done now. Ask me - I will tell you ask me in another three years. Maybe I can give you a better answer once Weston is in Kindergarten. We are happy with our two. They are plenty to handle for the time being. But, who knows? :) I like our philosophy.

Adrian said...

I think you're wise to wait until you have two children to decide if you're going to have any more. Two children is very very different from one child.

Dawn said...

It will be so fun to see you with all your kids and think "I used to know her when she had no kids!"

I have to admit, I"m a bit envious of people like you who can take this approach to bringing child into the world. I wish I could do it. Obviously married the wrong guy for that though.