
How I Stay Stylish

These are my three little sisters. They are all very stylish.

This is me in December of 2009. I tell myself that I prefer comfort over style.

Truth is, I am completely style-oblivious. The only way I can tell if something is 'in' right now is if it's being sold en masse at the mall. Also, I know if it has shoulder pads, it's out.

I still own and wear some clothes from high school. (Actually, I still own and wear something from elementary school, but it's a T-shirt, so that doesn't really count). Generally I don't get rid of something unless I outgrow it or ruin it. Great for those of us who are cheap, not so great for those of you who are trendy.

Luckily, I have three sisters and an aunt who are not only stylish--they also apparently don't have big enough closets. Which means when they have to get rid of something, guess who gets it? Me!

And that, my friends, is how my closet stays updated. In the past six months I have purchased exactly 5 articles of clothing--all shirts, two of which were for family pictures. Before that, I can't even remember. I'm that bad. But luckily I got in a fresh shipment of Bethany clothes last week, so I'm not completely hopeless.

Shoes on the other hand...I can't resist shoes. So go ahead and ignore my five year old shirt and hand-me-down jeans and just look at my shoes. Because I guarantee they're awesome.


Sommer said...

lol I love that picture of you Megan! It cracks me up. I'm so surprised that you don't go shopping more, I think you have a great sense of style. You always look so cute at church and outside of church. I have noticed that you do dress really relaxed sometimes but even that is stylish!

Alicia said...

You crack me up. I think you and I were cut from the same mold. I think that 50% or more of my wardrobe is from high school too. I'm pathetic. I don't have the slightest idea of how to shop. I look at people and think, "that is SOOOO cute," then I get to the store and I am clueless. I don't know where to begin or what looks good together. Oh well!

Maybe it's a good thing though because with two toddlers, even if I wanted to go shopping, it wouldn't be very successful. So, I guess for now I will just continue my abstinence from shopping.

Good luck in your stylish endeavors! Good thing is you always look beautiful!

AZ Mikesells said...

In your defense, you had just gotten off a 6-7 flight with toddler when that picture was taken. I'm shocked you aren't wearing your Nauvoo tee-shirt with your khakis. That's usually your airplane outfit.