
Too Close to Home

This has been breaking my heart for two days now:

Mormon Bishop Shot Dead in California

The sheer insanity of what happened...the complete and terrible randomness...it makes me sick.

Because it was just a strange coincidence that it happened in California. It could have been here, in my own ward. It could have been my bishop leaving a young family behind. It could have been my father-in-law. It could have been my dad.

I had nightmares all last night.

Thinking of his wife breaks my heart. Her days are probably still filled with caring for her six sons (one of whom is still an infant). But I don't think I could handle the nights. To crawl into bed alone. To wake up in the night and realize that he's not there. And to know that he's not there because of some terrible coincidence from over 20 years ago that until yesterday had nothing to do with you...the utter senselessness would be more than I could handle.

My prayers are with his family.

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Sommer said...

Oh my goodness I know!!! I completely agree with you. So what was the motive for this random guy doing that? This is such a scary world we live in. That doesn't even begin to cover it. It's like some people don't have consciences anymore.

Christy said...

That incident was so utterly bizzare and absolutely heartbreaking. My Dad was a bishop when I was a teen and I remember him briefly mentioning the type of people that would come to his office looking for money and food, etc... druggies and prostitutes, et al (this was in Vallejo...) and thinking what a scary position to be in.
Since the Prop 8 issue, I've had passing thoughts of church massacres and holdups... bizzare, I know. During the worst time of Prop 8 we had extra guys from the stake in our meetings by the doors as "Security." But a normal Sunday... I fear for the congregation. I mean, the guys in our single's ward aren't exactly macho. I can just imagine the girls getting up to take care of intruders while the guys cowered under the chapel benches. Ugh.

The girls I live with (there are four of us in a duplex, all LDS) have all been on a big self-protection kick. We want to do RS mace, and protection classes. Also gun safety classes and trips to shooting ranges. It seems all-the-more timely now.

So sad. So incredibly sad.

AZ Mikesells said...

My friend from EFY is in the ward of the bishop who got shot. She says everyone is taking it well even though it is so sad. I just cant imagine if Bishop Winfield got shot. It's always a slap in the face when something so horrible happens to good people.