

(GNO = Girls' Night Out.  Yeah, it's stupid.  
And yeah, I had to Google it the first time I saw it because I had no idea what was going on.)

Wednesday night I got invited to a Girls' Night Out at the Cracker Barrel a half mile from my house.  It sounded like lots of fun--cheesy, fatty, 'down home' food and some good friends.  I had no reason not to go.

But I didn't.  And here's why:

I really like my husband.  And my house.  I am, with a few exceptions, the worst homebody I know.  Friends will invite me to do things--fun things--and I will dread the activity because I would rather stay home and work on my little projects.  Like this blog.  Of course, I have loads of fun once I'm there and Seth is thrilled to be somewhere new.  So I keep saying 'yes' even though I really don't want to.

But Girls' Night Out is different, because of the 'night' part.  Night is when Jon is home and when Seth is asleep.  And since we go to bed at 9:45 every night (not joking), our time is precious.

Lest you think I'm staying home for candlelight dinners and full-body massages, let me tell you what I did last night instead of going to Cracker Barrel: I sat on the couch next to Jon and watched the pilot episode of 'Fringe.'  Not romantic in the least (we didn't even snuggle).  But I love that.  I love just sitting and vegging on the couch with Jon.  (Before we had Seth we used to play games at night.  Now my brain is too tired to do anything but watch a show by the end of the day). 

Maybe things will be different when we have more than one kid.  Maybe I'll be dying for some adult (womanly) conversation once a month or so.  But not right now.  I haven't been to a Girls' Night Out in almost 4 years, and I don't see that changing soon. 

Besides, I have Girls' Night Out every Tuesday.  And 90 minutes of teenage girls every week gives me more than my fix of girly conversation. 

So forgive me for never accepting the invitation.  It's not because I wouldn't have a great time with you.  It's just that I'd rather be at home.

And now I have to get dinner over with so I can sit on the couch and watch more 'Fringe' with Jonny.


AZ Mikesells said...

It's GNO going to Walmart on Friday night with Marah? Blame your lack of socialness on your genetics... AND 9:45PM is rather late for bedtime - just ask your Mikesell grandparents!

Sommer said...

It's ok we still love you =) I used to be a lot more like that and I still am sometimes, it just depends on my mood. Now that star craft two came out however and Ben most nights is busy playing that I don't mind GNO so much =)

Megan said...

I tried to buy StarCraft 2 for Jonny and he wasn't interested. Blew my mind. Remind me to keep him away from Ben so he doesn't realize what he's missing!

So is Starcraft 2 worse than Magic, then, Sommer? ;)

Dawn said...

I was wondering where you were. I assumed it was a basketball conflict. Its all good. I like being home a lot too. Well, sort of. I like going out with the family a lot. If I am home too long I get kind of depressed. But I like being with my family. And I like doing projects too but don't have too many these days. I avoid them now, for various reasons.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

I just noticed this blog for the first time! I can totally relate 100% to this post!! It seems like the second anyone is inviting me to anything (no matter how fun I'm sure it'll be) I am already making excuses as to why I can't possibly make it. I am such a homebody! Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me, but I guess not. Or maybe there is just something wrong with both of us. :D