
I Am...The Most Interesting Toy in the World

There are some mornings I would literally sell my soul to have one of 'those kids.'

You know, 'those kids' who sleep in until 9am.  Or at least 8am.  Barring that, I'd take one of 'those kids' who, when they wake up too early for your taste, all you have to do is bring them into bed with you where they will snuggle peacefully back into slumber. 

But no.  I have one of 'those kids' who, when they see their mommy in a supine position, are drawn like moths to a flame.  And I guarantee that they aren't coming to snuggle.

Believe me, I've tried.  On mornings where I just can't face reality yet, I'll bring Seth into our room, set him on the bed and lay back down.  Did I mention we have a king-sized bed?  Meaning that there is plenty of room for the little monster to do as he pleases without disturbing me?  Especially when I scoot so close to the edge that I'm only using a quarter of the provided space?

Hah.  Foolish, foolish Mommy.  Try getting that extra half-hour of sleep when your two year old is either 1) sliding back and forth across your exhausted body like a snake, or 2) sitting on your ribs and bouncing.  Or your face. 

You'd think the novelty would wear off after 15 minutes or so, leaving me to slumber away while he plays with his cars.  But no.  As far as I can tell, the novelty doesn't wear off.  Ever.

This morning I tried a new approach.  I took my pillow and blanket down to the playroom, thinking I could rest on the futon while he played with all his toys.  Well, he did play with his cars.  On my face

I guess there will be two of us napping this afternoon.  That ring around the toilet bowl can wait another day.  Or two.


Dawn said...

...And he is too young for video games or to be adequately amused by TV.

Sommer said...

that seriously is the worst. Brandon is an early riser meaning he gets up around 7:15 and Nathan sleep in until around 8. Most mornings I'll tell Brandon he can either bring some toys or books into my room and play quietly, lay down next to me, or play downstairs and for the most part he does really good with those options.

Alicia said...

I love it! This describes our house perfectly (except add another body bouncing on the ribs and face to make it a total of two!) I wasn't blessed with one of "those kids" either. I just like to think that "these kids" just love us way too much to possibly leave our side for even a second.