
Things I Need to Practice Saying:

"I'm sorry--I really can't help."

"I have a lot going on this week. It really isn't going to work out."

"I wish I could. Is there anyone else who could do it?"

"I would love to, but that's not really my responsibility. Ask _____________."

"I really don't want to."

"I can't."


But instead, I say yes and wonder how I'm supposed to pull off piano lessons, wedding cake making, preparing a house for visitors, and doing these extra things that seem to fall into my lap at the last minute. Is it really so hard to just say, "no"?


Alicia said...

Yes it is hard to "just say no!"
Especially when you are a people pleaser like yourself.

Maybe try practicing saying "no" in the mirror. Maybe I should try that one too. ;)

Adrian said...

I have always envied Mindy her husband who says no for her when she can't do it herself.

Sommer said...

AMEN! I totally can relate.

Dawn said...

Man, I want to hear about your week!