
Dear Garbage Truck

I really, really hate you today.

Why can't you be like a normal garbage truck and come by in the morning? You know, around 8-10am so my son could watch you and be entertained for 20 minutes?

Do you HAVE to come between 2 and 4 pm? You know, in the middle of my son's nap?

I've done everything I can. I have a fan in his room making all kinds of white noise. I have his window blocked to drown out light and sound. If you were a normal garbage truck, he would sleep right through.

But no. You feel the need to back up two or three times right in front of our row of town homes. Which is really mind boggling when you consider that we live at the end of a cul-de-sac. Which means there is a giant loop for you to drive around and pick up trash. So why you have to back up and sound your white-noise-piercing 'beep beep beep beep' is really beyond me.

Twice a week, I dread your arrival. I pray that you come after his nap. I pray that he sleeps through your incessant attempts to wake him up. And sometimes it works. But sometimes it doesn't. And I get to spend the rest of the day with a toddler who melts down if I look at him wrong.

Thank you. May the odor of his three-day-old diapers linger in your clothing.


Alicia said...

You crack me up! Very well said! And, you know I am only laughing because I feel your pain! :)

The Momma said...

haha so funny. I feel the same way about the lawn maintenance people. So ANNOYING!

Adrian said...

I used to get so angry at people with no mufflers or loud engines or on motorcycles who felt the need to gun their engines to get up the hill in front of our townhouse. I would almost be ready to go outside and wave my fist at them. Spencer & I once came up with a detailed plan for how to have sonic detector that would burst their tires so they would be stuck and have to turn off their engines.