
How to Hide a Pregnancy for 15 weeks

  • Tshirts. Lots of Tshirts.
  • If you can't wear a T-shirt (curse you, Sundays) always wear a tight undershirt. Keeps things tucked it.
  • High waisted skirts/pants
  • Hibernation
  • Blame your exhaustion on your toddler. It's mostly true anyway.
  • Sneak food during church. Bathroom stalls work when you're desperate (and I was).
  • Make sure everyone who asks knows that you're still scared to have another kid. Because it's true.
  • Quit exercising. You don't want to anyway--might as well have an easy excuse for your pudginess.
  • Be Bands.
  • Padded bras. The bigger you are on top, the smaller you look below.
  • Develop a sudden affinity for Tylenol. Ibuprofen never works for you anyway (even though that's all you usually have in your cupboard).
  • You never liked raw cookie dough. It makes you sick. So do eggs-over-easy, sushi, and soft cheeses.
  • Move across the country from any family members who could be watching for signs.
  • Carry a book, purse, or toddler in front of your belly.
  • Sneak your prenatal vitamins in before dinner guests arrive.
  • If someone catches you eating your between-meal snack, claim to have skipped breakfast.
  • Swimming suits = bad. Avoid whenever possible.
  • Lie.
Belly pictures, anyone?

Guess all that stuff about showing sooner is true. Darn.

15 1/2 weeks with baby #2
15 weeks along with Seth

Would you believe me if I told you I not only weighed more the first time around, but that I had actually gained more weight in that picture, too?

I didn't think so. But it's true.

And I cropped my head off because I looked ugly. So there.


Dawn said...

I see you used several of those tactics on me over these past few weeks! You sneaky girl! Congratulations. Why did you wait so long to tell?? (Ok, I probably understand you wanting to wait.) When is your due date?

Unknown said...

Yea!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited for you!!! I'm crossing my fingers for a little girl! :) Congrats!

Sommer said...

You forgot to wear a tight shirt two weeks ago at mutual... that's when I first noticed you showing and started suspecting. I crop my head of too during belly pictures, I just feel like my face is so chubby, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm so so so happy for you and so impressed that you were able to keep it a secret so long!

Rachel said...

Congrats!! My secret only lasted 11 weeks, when I threw up in a meeting with three of my bosses. So I had to explain, and if my bosses knew, I didn't like my family not knowing. Haha. =) I am happy for you and hope your health is great!

Rachel said...

When I say my secret I mean my last child, I am not talking about a third (yikes, I just gave myself chills).

Megan said...

Sommer--I'm actually glad you noticed! At that point I was getting pretty chubby and hated the idea that people would think I was just getting fat. But no one said anything! (I would never say anything either--'Are you pregnant, or just letting yourself go?')

Rachel--That is a fantastic way to announce a pregnancy. Eesh. And I'm still getting chills thinking about two kids!

Brian and Kenna said...

You probably look bigger because the first baby made your abs super weak... so they don't hold the baby in as well. The joys of motherhood. :-)

Christy said...

Fantastic! Congratulations!! :)
I was wondering why you were so quiet for so long. This explains it for sure!

And BTW - thanks for the comment on my personal blog the other week. I can't pretend I didn't freak out at the idea of being 47 and single, because I totally did (like major trip for a couple days)... but then I realized that it's really not a big deal and I'm happy as I am... so press on. :) But thanks for the very nice compliments.