
I've never been so grateful...

...to be insanely busy.

To have 13 piano students.

To have the ward discover that I make cakes.

To have assigned reading for a book club.

To have a mountain of laundry left over from the wedding two weeks ago.

To have no food in my house, necessitating a two-hour-long Wal-Mart trip.

To have a toddler who begs every morning to see his 'friends', necessitating play groups.

To have at least 6 projects that I need to get done ASAP.

To know that on Saturday I have a temple trip from 9 am to 2pm, followed by a Stake Youth Fall Activity from 4:45 to (at least) 8pm.

Normally a list like this would stress me completely out. But this week I am incredibly grateful for such a long list of distractions. Because otherwise, the thought that our ultrasound is Friday or that my mom & sister get here Saturday for a week-long visit would be killing me with anticipation.

So I'm grateful that I haven't had time to think about it.

(Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about it.)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

that is a big list but is great you have\had a diversion. You really should have me over sometime to help you with something (although I cant make cakes and I can't play the piano..humm...)